News from Brazil, India and Beyond

Athletes in Action staff members pray before an outreach in Rio de Janeiro during the 2016 Olympic Games. See story below.

Every day, believers around the world seek to introduce friends, neighbors and family members to Christ. They share motivation with their first-century brothers and sisters:

“For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And He died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for Him who died for them and was raised again” (2 Corinthians 5:14,15). 

Cru staff members and disciples help these believers. Anne Marie and I are grateful to be part of a movement that for 65 years has helped people proclaim Christ and make disciples.

Today, we all together still help mobilize students on campuses, and men and women in churches and communities toward evangelism and discipleship. They share the gospel by word of mouth, printed page, over the internet or by showing films, such as JESUS—to groups or one-by-one on phone screens. Those new believers then build more disciples.

Let me tell you two stories I edited recently as I prepared Cru’s 2016 annual report. The first, from Brazil, was written by our co-worker Mel.

Cru staff member Stacie Fletcher went to the 2016 Summer Olympic Games with Athletes in Action. Like staff members there from around the world, she found athletes often too busy to meet. So, Stacie connected with gold medalist Laurie Hernandez’s family. She met with them before events, sat with them, prayed and encouraged them as they navigated the rollercoaster of emotions that athletes’ families face. 
Other staff members offered parents Bibles, engaged in spiritual conversations and prayed. They even helped Christians they met minister to other parents. Stacie, and the whole team, took advantage of the opportunities they found to go beyond the scope of ministry they expected.

The second story is from India, a country Anne Marie and I visited together 25 years ago, and that Anne Marie went to three years ago for her first Writing for Life training.

Krishna Nath grew up a Hindu. Despite a life of regular worship, he sensed continuous emptiness. He married and became the father of two children, but still, peace eluded him. Eventually, he left his family and became a Hindu priest. Still, there was no relief. 
Last August, he met Rajaram, an acquaintance who had become a Christian. Hearing how Jesus had given his friend peace, Krishna accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior. He finally found peace. In India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, in just three months, more than 300,000 people heard the gospel from believers, like Rajaram, who were trained in evangelism through our ministry there.  

Thanks so much for your commitment to us, and for your prayers. As you think of us over the next few weeks, please pray for wisdom as we plan a Writing for Life trip to Italy. What a great opportunity!

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