An Award for Cru Storylines

Anne Marie and I rushed down an airport hallway in Dallas. An early morning thunderstorm in Orlando delayed our departure, leaving us only 15 minutes between flights. If we missed this one, we’d have to go through Phoenix or Chicago to get from Dallas to Oklahoma City.

We made it, and got to Oklahoma City, site of the Evangelical Press Association convention, as planned. It was only April 5, and this was already our second trip of the month.

April 1, we woke up in Jacksonville Beach, Fla., to teach Writing for Life to communicators—both professionals and volunteers—working for a denomination. Their director took our class at last year’s EPA convention and invited us to train his team.

We enjoyed meeting them, and spending eight hours in training (top photo). Several team members expressed gratitude for the structures and processes we explained.

In Oklahoma, we enjoyed taking part in the EPA convention without any formal role.

For the last nine years, one or both of us had had a teaching or leading role at the annual  event, We enjoyed interacting with other  professionals and taking several classes. We did accept awards forCru StorylinesTM, along with two coworkers. (In the second photo, we hold the award with Rachel Ferchak, editor in chief, second from right, and Rachel Streich, a writer.)

We did have an informal role, helping host two publishers from overseas who joined the convention. Anne Marie helped Mary, from Mexico, find her way around, and Mark did the same for Benjamin, from India. And while we were in Oklahoma City, we took a short side trip to visit my brother, Rex, and his wife, Val.

As you think of us over the next few weeks, please pray for Anne Marie to complete her writing from Cambodia, and for us to connect with current and potential new ministry partners.

Thank you so much for your interest in our work, and your prayers and generosity.

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