A Short Walk, a Big Change

Our current office is in the far end of the building on the right in the photo above; the new office will be in the near end of the building on the left.

Last week, I walked to the space that will be our team’s new office. In one sense, it isn’t far: 77 steps from my desk to the top of a stairway, down 24 stairs, then another 236 steps leading into another building.

In another sense, the move feels like a long trip. For about 20 years, since Cru moved into these buildings, my office has been within sight of its current location.

But the coming physical move won’t be the biggest change — our new responsibilities are more important. We’ll merge with another team, and together, continue our current work while writing for more Cru publications, websites and smartphone apps.

We’ve already begun writing how-to articles for Cru’s MissionHub app. It helps followers of Christ build disciples by showing their friends how they can know God more fully. You can try it out at get.missionhub.com.

Meanwhile, we’re gathering stories for Cru Storylines from Nebraska, Iowa, Ohio, Texas, Colorado and El Salvador. We’re preparing a video about a refugee from Cuba who met Christ through the JESUS film. And we’re researching possible stories from Sri Lanka, Australia, California, Georgia and Washington, D.C. God is at work all over the world.

I look forward to our team’s new opportunities. Over the next few weeks, would you pray for our transition as we form a new team and begin doing writing projects for other Cru ministries? And would you pray for Anne Marie and me, as we visit friends and churches in Pennsylvania between Sept. 20 and Oct. 7.

We’re grateful for your prayers and generosity.

— Mark, for the Winz family —

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