At long last, our family was together the last week of May. We celebrated Christmas together in 2019, but by Easter of 2020, Anne Marie and I canceled a planned trip to visit Michael in Wisconsin.
On our Monday together, we celebrated all four birthdays with steaks on the grill and a berry-covered cake Bethany baked (below). Tuesday, we visited Anne Marie’s parents near Tampa. Friday was declared our Mothers and Fathers Days — the day started with Michael and Bethany making brunch.
It all brought to mind the days when our prayer letters regularly included updates about kids church events, dance recitals and track meets. We no longer update you about Michael and Bethany frequently, so here’s what they are doing now.
Michael continues in his fifth year working for a medical software company in Wisconsin. He likes life there and continues to run year-round and bike. With the fading of COIVD-19, he hopes to rejoin group runs and play ultimate frisbee. He also follows a local soccer team.
Bethany works from home for a branding company, helping other companies represent themselves accurately to their clients and potential clients. She likes living in Tennessee and recently moved to a house with a large back yard. That’s great news for her two Samoyed dogs, Rhema and Glory (joining us, right).
Now that their visits are over, Anne Marie and I have moved on to planning our teams’ summers. Along with continuing writing and editing, those we supervise will have vacations, take classes and engage in other summer activities.
We’d appreciate your prayers for wisdom as we plan and lead our team through the season. We’re grateful for your generosity and prayers for us.
— Mark, for the Winz family
So glad you finally got to have some “family time”!
glad to hear from you. Next time you’re in Tampa stop by.
I will be speaking at Great Valley Presby. this Sunday and thinking of you